Attitude for Success training provides proven strategies to assist employees in building or maintaining a winning attitude both at work and at home. It also supports approaches that help increase personal and job fulfillment.
Managers, supervisors, and employees who want to reinforce or strengthen a set of positive daily workplace choices for themselves or entire teams. Group size: from 10 to 24 people. Great are intentional, not luck. This course is ideal for teams that want every member to be at their best for better teamwork, service and results.
Proven Program Objectives:
- Identify some of the many things that shape our attitudes
- Assess your attitudinal strengths and areas you can enhance
- Recognize the impact that our attitude has on how we think, feel, behave and how others respond to us
- Discover ways we can make positive changes happen for ourselves, along with ideas for inviting others to change or improve
- Study some of the inspiring words of great men and women throughout history and the impact they can have on our attitudes
- Create or refine a written personal mission statement as a useful tool for adding meaning and value day to day
- Review the power of clearly written goals and their influence on our attitude and actions
- Develop a helpful action plan with steps you can easily take to keep improving your attitude over time
Participant Benefits:
- Ways to equip yourself to respond better to coworkers, customers/situations
- Discover proven approaches to invite better responses from others
- Options for greater self-management and control of one’s own attitude
- Relationship and mutual respect enhancement reminders
- Proven tools for lifting or enhancing departmental or organizational esprit de corps
- Inviting better responses and results from coworkers and customers
Tangible Results:
This solid program has been a best seller for over twelve years for good reason. It is highly interactive, provides practical approaches for every day use and it invites noticeable improvements in workplace mood/morale and teamwork. Many of our clients have had us come back several times to train more employees or even their entire staff due to the welcomed results.
Target Growth Areas:
- Self awareness and self-management
- Self-talk control options and choices
- Self-assessment goals to improve
- Tools for easing relationship tension
- Behavior improvement practices
- Inspiration and practices to keep improving
- Employee morale and self-motivation
- Team cooperation and team trust
- Better responses to outside factors
Accountability and Measurement:
This single-day (or two-half-days) workshop works best when introduced or scheduled as part of a continuous improvement or team-enhancement initiative brought on-site to your organization. If you are looking for training just one individual, see our shop for the self-paced on-line Attitude Course. Additional training or follow-up, reinforcement training can also serve to accelerate and reinforce application of behavior principles.
Program Delivery Includes:
- Interactive on-site workshop and useful reference workbook
- In session individual leadership improvement plan
- Helpful leadership assessments and group hands-on practice
- Executive summary of all participant feedback
“If attitudes were contagious like a disease-would yours be worth catching.”
“A good attitude won’t necessarily fix anything but it certainly can help everything.”
“Many companies are now hiring for attitude first, then training for skills.”
When asked: “would you recommend this workshop to others?” Out of the last 10 workshops we conducted,
100% of attendees said “YES”.
When asked to who would you recommend it? Some of the many participant comments were:
- Valuable life skills for every employee.
- Good for every organization.
- I learned new ways to build-up and strengthen my own attitude.
- Everyone has room for improvement.
- For all supervisors who need to set the right positive tone and example.
- Every co-worker, so they can better support overall team spirit.
- The whole company.
- My supervisor and others in my group.
- Colleagues I work closely with.
- Co-workers – we all can use a kick in the attitude.
- Engineers to help them lighten up a bit.
- Other co-workers.
- Some of our customers and a few family members.
Generate POSITIVE Returns on Your Skill-Building Investment!
Also available in a recorded self-paced video course. Ideal for individuals on a small budget. Click below for more info.